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Best of Writing Excuses Podcast

July 23, 2023

Fifteen minutes long, because you’re in a hurry, and we’re just not that smart.

This is the first writing podcast I started listening to and following. I love that it’s short making it easy to fit into my weekly playlist. The group of hosts come from a variety of backgrounds, product formats, and experience in the industry that provides for interesting perspectives during topic discussions.

They’ve redone their logo and website recently and I’ve found it a little harder to navigate. This is part of a larger rebranding and format change as they explore ways to cover the time and cost associated with production of the podcast. The change will mean a fluidity in the format and the addition of adds.

Skip to the beginning of season 10 if you want to start ‘from the beginning.’ Other suggestions I would make are to search their website for contracts, business, and brand. Finally, this podcast was the first one I’ve ever run across that covered dialog in a meaningful way, explaining when and why dialog is used. A search on their website will bring you to these podcasts but I would suggest listening to the ones from season 17 which were released in the summer of 2022.

It’s also been the only podcast I’ve found that suggests writing assignments to aid in becoming better writers. In my short career as a writer, I can attest that writing with some constraints and guidance is one of the quickest ways to improve.

Insights and recommended shows:

18.17 Building a brand takes thought and purpose. It allows your readers to know what to expect.

17.5 Judging a book by its cover – how all parts of your brand sets expectations for your reader

16.6 Building identity though brand